March 17, 2022 Sarah Martini
Twitter: @FFHL_HQ
Facebook: Franciscan
Foundation for the Holy Land
Lent and Easter in the Holy Land – Year Three of the Pandemic
Fr. Peter F. Vasko, OFM shares how Christians are still finding hope during Lent amidst ongoing hardship
WHEN: Currently scheduling email interviews with Father Peter F. Vasko, OFM, President of the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land.
WHO: Fr. Peter F. Vasko, OFM will share how Lent and Easter look very different in the Holy Land for the third consecutive year. “As a Franciscan friar who has lived and ministered in the Holy Land for nearly 40 years, Easter week has particular meaning for me. We Franciscans have a special calling to minister to the indigenous Christians here, those who have courageously maintained their faith and heritage over these many centuries despite misunderstanding, discrimination and suffering.”
Fr. Peter F. Vasko is available for media email interviews. Photos are available.
WHAT: For Christians, Lent is a time of hope and reassurance. For the third year in a row, Lent and Easter will look very different in the Holy Land with the absence of tens of thousands of faithful pilgrims from around the world. Without throngs of pilgrims buzzing through cramped streets of Jerusalem or the byways of Nazareth, Fr. Peter will explain how Christians who have endured many hardships are still finding hope and reassurance during Lent this year.
CONTACT: For more information about the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land, visit or to schedule an email interview with Father Peter F. Vasko, OFM, President of the Foundation, please contact Sarah Martini at 714-795-0124 or email
Founded in 1994, the Franciscan Foundation for The Holy Land (FFHL) is a worldwide ecumenical organization, based in the USA, operating under the auspices of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land. The principal purpose of the FFHL is to help stem the Christian exodus from the Holy Land by providing programs and projects that will serve as incentives for the Christians to remain as well as safeguarding the basic human rights of the Christian Palestinian minority living in the Holy Land.