Elementary and High School Education
FFHL established the Elementary and High School Education Program because many parents are unemployed or underemployed leaving their funds available for only the bare necessities. The schools cultivate in the students a sense of value and importance of both family life and society to the benefit of both. The schools also seek to meet the needs of those who are physically, morally, and economically deprived; and to welcome the stranger. Education provided by these schools instills Christian values and understanding of worldwide issues such as poverty and social injustice while at the same time teaches how to make the right choices towards peace, solidarity and development.
Principal Purpose and Mission
The Franciscans established the first schools in the Holy Land around 1518 AD. The friars, given charge of the holy sites, quickly understood that these shrines would have little importance without the Christians, the “living stones.” As shrines developed, so too did parishes and schools. To this day, the schools provide religious instruction while working to counteract religious fanaticism while developing a genuine piety. For peace in the Holy Land to develop and flourish the only choice is for Christians, Muslims, and Jews to live with mutual respect instilled in childhood education.
“With tolerance and coexistence comes the stage of equality where one accepts the other as he is with all his rights and privileges. In many ways, the future is linked with and dependent upon this type of education.” - Fr. Peter Vasko, OFM
Christian Education – for peace, progress and service
FFHL has already helped so many students in their elementary and high school education. More children need your support in Jericho, Jerusalem, Nazareth, as well as other cities. The program assists with the costs such as tuition, books, and uniforms. he Foundation has been able to provide excellent opportunities for children in the Holy Land through the generosity of people like you. Give today and make an investment in the life of a child as well as the future of Christianity in the Holy Land.

Give to our Grade School Program
You are making a difference in the Holy Land! The donation levels below illustrate some examples of the ways we use philanthropic gifts to support our programs.