What is The Good Shepherd Society?
The Good Shepherd Society is for donors who wish to keep contributing to FFHL’s mission after they have passed and God has welcomed them into the Kingdom of Heaven. These meaningful gifts allow FFHL to change the lives of Holy Land Christians. Individuals who wish to leave a donation to FFHL in their estate will be welcomed to the Good Shepherd Society and their impact will live on through the organization.
Joining our legacy society is simple and easy. If you have made a planned gift of any kind and of any size to our mission, then you are eligible for membership. All you have to do is let us know. You can remain anonymous if you choose. Please call, e-mail or send us your information in the form below to make sure your wishes are followed and you won’t miss any of the special ways we honor our members
Your Benefits for Joining
- Exclusive member benefits and communications
- Visits, gifts and other personalized attention
- Recognition in publications and at annual events
Let Us Know About Your Bequest!
If you have already made arrangements for a planned gift to FFHL, we would like to express our gratitude and welcome you to charter membership in the Good Shepherd Society. Please notify our planned giving team by filling out the form below.

The names listed below represent all those we are aware of to date, who have made a provision for FFHL in their estate plans. They are charter members of the Good Shepherd Society.
- Judy Alfonsi
- Jean C. Arena* Trust
- Dr. Joyce K.S. Babiak
- Benny and Noni Barrett
- Wanda Bears*
- Helen Mary Bernard*
- Carl Bieniewski*
- Kaximierz Blachut*
- Stanley Borowski*
- Thomas and Karen Carroll
- Rev. Michael J Chonko*
- Jackie Crawford
- The Doyle* Family Estate
- Jean Deupree
- John C. Druding*
- Michael J. Eivers*
- Palma Farr*
- Leila Giries
- Raphael Hellmann*
- Marvin & Esther Jacobs Charitable Remainder Trust
- Anna J. Kunke*
- Manuel Linan
- Todd W.J. Macklin
- Margaret McElroy*
- Edmund Morelle*
- Theresa Martter
- Richard J. Noel*
- Louis D. (Dee) & Kristine L. Pellisier
- Sharon Pfister*
- Rosemary L. Phelps*
- Denise Marie Scalzo
- Clotilda Smith*
- Marguerite B. Stein*
- William and Clare Treanor*
- The Carmel J. Vitale* Living Trust
- Charles P. Weber*
- Mary Ryan and John H. Wilson II Fund at North Texas Community Foundation
- Karinne Pevarnik Wolf*
- Robert A. Yearling
- Theresa R. Zawislak*
*marked as deceased
Learn More About
The Good Shepherd Society
If you have already made arrangements for a planned gift to FFHL, we would like to express our gratitude and welcome you to charter membership in the Good Shepherd Society. For any questions about your planned gift, click the bottom below. Note: All information provided will be kept in the strictest confidence and used for internal purposes only.
If you would like to learn more about the Good Shepherd Society and making a planned gift, we are happy to answer any questions or address any concerns. For more information you may visit our new Legacy Planning website at or click on the button below. We are eternally grateful for the support of our FFHL family.