Job Placement Program
The majority of Arab Christians look to the tourism industry for employment. Many of them work as guides and bus drivers for pilgrimages, serve as hotel managers, or are shop owners. There is a special connection when pilgrims realize their guides and other Christians in the Holy Land live out the mission of Christ and his disciples, sharing the Gospel message.
Principal Purpose and Mission
Many of FFHL's programs coincide with one another. The Jobs Program is one of those cases. FFHL's housing renovations originated from the joint need for employment and the many homes and businesses in need of repair due to destruction or general deterioration. The Franciscan Family Center coordinates the renovations with skilled Catholic Palestinians in need of employment. FFHL has been a major player in supporting both the Jobs Program and Housing Programs.
Challenges in the Holy Land
The Franciscans continue to provide opportunities to keep Christians employed. The Franciscan Press at St. Savior’s Monastery in Jerusalem has been one of these avenues. Even when there is little or no work, the Franciscans continue to employ them at 70% of their wage, to sustain their basic needs. Cultures, world politics, economic trends, and many other factors present challenges to life in the Holy Land. When tourisn and pilgrimages decline, the local Christians struggle. Palestinians unemployment is about 65%! The situation is extreme and urgent! The Franciscans are doing everything they can to help the severe unemployment problem but they need help . . . your help!

Give to our Jobs Program
You are making a difference in the Holy Land! The donation levels below illustrate some examples of the ways we use philanthropic gifts to support our programs.