FFHL Regional Support
Over the years, FFHL Regional Support Groups have been a vital part of fundraising and awareness for the work of FFHL in the Holy Land. These groups are formed by passionate Christian's who come together to form a committed Regional Group working in unity towards a common goal. They agree to host an annual or bi-annual dinner dedicated to fundraising and raising awareness of FFHL programs. The below region invites you to join them in support of their goals and the FFHL mission.

Dallas Region
Dallas Vision Statement: To build and maintain a vibrant Christian support base in the Dallas Region who support FFHL through spiritual and monetary initiatives.
Dallas Mission Statement: FFHL Dallas Region is a local subset of FFHL whose mission is to protect Christianity in the Holy Land through education and awareness efforts of the importance of this issue.
Region Objective: We assist the Franciscan Foundation of the Holy Land to help the marginalized Christians in the Holy Land by providing education opportunities, housing and employment.

Regional Director
Julie Summerville
Julie serves as the Dallas Region's Director and is on FFHL's Board of Directors.
Regional Fundraising Dinner
Dallas 2024 dinner details are being finalized and ticketing information will be coming soon.
Please check back for more details.
All are welcome to attend.
Please purchase tickets by the designated RSVP date to reserve your seats.
There are no dinners scheduled at this time. Please check back for updates at a later time.

Event Title: TBA
A Benefit Dinner for The
Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land
Date: TBA
Event Details: TBA
Location: TBA