FFHL Regional Support
Over the years, FFHL Regional Support Groups have been a vital part of fundraising and awareness for the work of FFHL in the Holy Land. These groups are formed by passionate Christian's who come together to form a committed Regional Group working in unity towards a common goal. They agree to host an annual or bi-annual dinner dedicated to fundraising and raising awareness of FFHL programs. The below region invites you to join them in support of their goals and the FFHL mission.

Orlando Region
Orlando Vision Statement: To establish and grow a strong Christian support system in the Orlando Region who dedicates its efforts to supporting FFHL through prayers, monetary donations and pilgrimages of faith.
Orlando Mission Statement: FFHL Orlando Region, established in 2004, is a local initiative of FFHL whose mission is to preserve Christianity in the Holy Land through education and awareness.
Region Objective: Provide spiritual and monetary support to FFHL and the Christian Church, while strengthening the bond of the Orlando community and the Christians of the Holy Land.

Regional Director
Faith Libbe, SFO
Faith serves as the Orlando Regions Director and Core Dinner Committee member.