The Catholic Church honors the Blessed Virgin Mary not only as the Mother of Jesus but also as an example of faith and strength in the face of suffering. The devotion to her Seven Sorrows is a way to connect with her emotional and spiritual pain. These sorrows are commemorated on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on September 15th, a day that invites reflection on Mary’s grief and how her example can help us find strength in our own challenges.

The Seven Sorrows of Mary

The Seven Sorrows of Mary are significant moments of suffering she endured, especially related to the life, passion, and death of Jesus. These sorrows reflect the deep pain Mary experienced as a mother, making her a compassionate figure for those who suffer.

The Seven Sorrows include:

  1. The Prophecy of Simeon

When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple, Simeon prophesied that Jesus would face opposition and that a sword would pierce Mary’s soul (Luke 2:25-35). This prophecy foreshadowed the suffering both Jesus and Mary would endure.

  1. The Flight into Egypt

To escape King Herod’s massacre of infants, Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt with the child Jesus (Matthew 2:13-15). This sorrow reflects the fear and hardship of becoming refugees, a reality for many people today.

  1. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple

When Jesus was twelve years old, He stayed behind in Jerusalem without Mary and Joseph’s knowledge. They searched for Him in distress for three days before finding Him in the Temple (Luke 2:41-50). This sorrow highlights the anxiety and fear of losing a loved one.

  1. Mary Meets Jesus on the Way to Calvary

As Jesus carried His cross to Calvary, He met His mother along the way. The sight of her suffering Son caused Mary deep sorrow (Luke 23:27-31). This encounter emphasizes the shared suffering between mother and son.

  1. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

Mary stood at the foot of the cross as Jesus was crucified, watching her Son die (John 19:25-30). This sorrow represents the peak of her suffering, witnessing Jesus’ sacrifice.

  1. The Body of Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross

After Jesus died, His body was taken down from the cross and placed in Mary’s arms (John 19:31-37). This sorrow is often depicted in the Pietà, symbolizing Mary’s grief as she held her dead Son.

  1. The Burial of Jesus

Mary watched as Jesus was buried in the tomb (Luke 23:50-56). This final sorrow captures the deep sense of loss and the silence that follows death.


Finding Strength in Mary’s Suffering

The Seven Sorrows of Mary offer more than a historical account; they provide a source of strength for those facing their own difficulties. Mary’s example shows 5 ways how to respond to suffering with faith, hope and love.

  1. Embracing Suffering with Faith

Mary’s faith in God’s plan remained strong despite her suffering. When Simeon prophesied her future pain, she accepted it with trust in God. This teaches us that even when we don’t understand our suffering, we can trust in God’s plan for us.

  1. Finding Hope in Uncertainty

The Flight into Egypt and the loss of Jesus in the Temple were times of fear and uncertainty. Yet, Mary remained hopeful, trusting that God would guide her. In our lives, when faced with uncertainty, we can look to Mary’s example of hope.

  1. Strength in Solidarity

Mary meeting Jesus on the way to Calvary is a moment of solidarity in suffering. While she couldn’t take away His pain, her presence gave strength. Similarly, we can support others in their suffering, just as Mary supported Jesus.

  1. The Power of Compassion

Mary’s sorrow at the crucifixion shows deep compassion. She stayed with Jesus until the end, sharing in His suffering. This teaches us the importance of being present with those who suffer, offering our compassion even when we cannot change the situation.

  1. Enduring Through Love

Holding Jesus’ lifeless body and witnessing His burial shows Mary’s enduring love. Even in the face of great loss, her love remained. This shows us that love can endure through the hardest times.

Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows

The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on September 15th is a time to deepen our devotion to Mary by reflecting on her sufferings. Many Catholics pray the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows or meditate on the sorrows through the Seven Dolors Rosary. These devotions help us connect with Mary, bringing our own sorrows to her for comfort and guidance.

As we face our own challenges, we can find inspiration in Mary’s example, knowing that she intercedes for us and walks with us in our darkest moments. On this Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, let us turn to Mary, seeking her guidance and comfort, and finding strength in her suffering.